Overwhelmed? Turn To The Wall..
Prayer is our most powerful weapon!
FACT: PRAYER is the most powerful weapon on earth!
Hezekiah was a jewish king of Judah several years ago. He became king at age 25. His father worshipped idols and false gods. But when he became king he did the very opposite of his father. He worshipped the Almighty God, and did right in the sight of God. By destroying altars, and all places of worship to other gods, simultaneous to re-opening the temple of God for local worshippers; Hezekiah was committed to his faith in God. He destroyed the bronze snake rod that belonged to Moses because the people had started to idolize it. He re-introduced God to his nation.
11 Kings 18 - 20 This is the story of King Hezekiah.
At that time, there was a very powerful Assyrian king called Sennacherib who was determined to conquer all of the region. This included Judah. At first, Hezekiah tried to sway him by offering all the silver and even the gold which came from the architecture of the temple. He was extremely arrogant. He boasted that having conquered all of Israel, that Judah was defensless towards him. In fact, he stated that it was also futile for them to seek the assistance of any allies such as Egypt. He offered Hezekiah 2000 horses if he conceded. His army consisted of 185,000 soldiers.
All the nations were afraid of him. So far, he had conquered everyone else. But Hezekiah had a strategy. His defense was to go into his chambers and pray to his God. That's all that he did. He went into God's temple and asked God for intervention. He encouraged Isaiah and others to pray with him to God. He sought help from his God, and God answered favourably. God sent one angel who killed all the 185,000 soldiers in one go. When the Asyrian king returned to his home, God allowed his very own two sons to kill him with his sword. God has not changed. HE'S still in control of everything and everyone in the earth.
Problems are a part of life. They come in different sizes, shapes and forms. Some are like tsunamis, they knock us off of our bearings completely. They are so gigantic and overwhelming. Especially now that we're in the latter days. We have to decide in advance what will be our strategy when confronted. The bible says God has shortened the days because they are more evil than before. HE did it to help believers cope and encourage their faith. Matthew 24: 22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
Psalm 91:14-16
14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
On another ocassion, God sent Isaiah to Hezekiah with a message. He told him to get his affairs in order because he was going to die. AGAIN, Hezekiah went before God. Hezekiah used the same strategy as before. His defense was to go into his chambers and pray to his God. That's all that he did. He shut his door and turned his face to the wall and prayed for God to change his mind. Before Isaiah could get far, God instructed him to turn back and tell Hezekiah that HE had heard his prayers. HE was going to extend Hezekiah's life by fifteen more years instead. Practice turning to and talking with God especially when you're in problems. Start the conversation and wait on God. James 5 The effective fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much, ask Daniel.
When we walk in obedience to God and HIS precepts, what won't HE do for us? When we trust HIM with all of our hearts and soul and mind, what can keep HIM from coming to our rescue? HE loves us so much. HE leaves the 99 and comes after us the one lost sheep. HE'S the father of the prodigal son, watching and waiting for us to come back home to HIM. (HE does not condemn us.) We are the lost coin HE stops at nothing to find. HIS love is relentless towards us. All we have to do is call upon HIM because HE is our for sure deliverer. When everyone else is afraid or has deserted you for whatever reason, look to God your faithful father.
14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
HE will protect you always!
WORSHIP: Great Is Thy Faithfulness