Man was created in God's image to have dominion over the earth. In the garden of Eden man sinned by transferring that authority to the devil when he disobeyed God. God's way of restoring man's dominion was to send HIS son Jesus Christ - 'The Messiah' to take back rulership from the devil by HIS death on the cross.
25: 34
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who
are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared
for you since the creation of the world.
Kingdom governance of man on the earth was God's plan all along. That's what God commanded Adam to do when HE created him. The laws of God's Kingdom state that without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin. Hebrews 9:22
22 And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
The significance of the cross
The cross was the
means, but the end was the restoration of a relationship and the rulership of the Kingdom of God to man on earth. A
sacrifice was needed, but the blood of animals nor humans wasn't
sufficient to redeem man's position, i.e. dominion. The
only sacrifice good enough to appease God the Father, was the blood of
Jesus Christ. That's why Jesus died. Jesus died to restore a right
relationship between God and man, and to grant us re-access to a right
representation of God's dominion on earth. God loves mankind. John 3 Separate and a part from the fact that HE created man to 'be occupied' with governing the earth, HE wanted to be in a personal relationship with man.
Before Adam and Eve were banished from the garden it was God's custom to 'walk and talk' with them daily. Genesis 3 God cares about man's ideas and well-being. As a result of God's love towards man HE gave man HIS best, and that's what HE expects of/ from man. God expects man's best. The Almighty God is firstly interested in man's attitude towards HIM. HIS possessions are a bonus, not the prize. The real prize is HIM. Dominion is a possession. The earth is The Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24 When Jesus died HE recovered
man's dominion from the devil by taking back the keys that our
forefathers had given to the devil. God did not give the devil
dominion, man did. Man did not fall from heaven, he fell from dominion
over the earth.
Matthew 16:19
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Luke 4: 43
43 But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”
Mark 1: 14-15
The reason for our shortfall....
Jesus while HE was on earth spoke mostly about the Kingdom of God. HE only ever spoke once about being born again to an old priest who was trying to understand HIS explanation about the Kingdom. Understanding and accepting the fact of the Kingdom was of utmost importance. For, why would you want access if you don't understand it's culture and precepts? And why would I grant it to you if you couldn't/ wouldn't maintain its privileges? God doesn't want subjects. HE wants children. We've been misled. Repentance was/ is primary. It challenges us to reject our concept of God and heaven and to change our attitudes towards both. The Almighty God is interested in 'right relationship' with man. The Jews wanted God and 'The Messiah' for the wrong reasons. The objective of the Kingdom of God therefore was to attract a 'people with a different motivation and mindset'. Romans 12
God's motive is love. HE expects our to be the same. Appreciation for the King and The Kingdom is priority. We are heirs and co-heirs to HIS throne. Romans 8 If we don't value its privileges we will 'do what Adam did and give it away again'. God cannot afford for 'that to happen again' i.e. our ungratefulness and nonchalance. Hence there's a qualification process. Adam and Eve got if for free. Jesus paid the price for our repossession. But there is a clause. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11 Access to the King and Kingdom of God is via The Holy Spirit. Jesus introduced mankind to the gateway for our shortfall. But we needed to understand 'the reason' first. Nicodemus visited Jesus privately by night and Jesus told him that he must be born again in order to access the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus focused on faith. Access to God is based on faith in the counsel of The Holy Spirit. HE didn't preach on deliverance or healing, nor religion, church membership nor condemnation. HE went about instead proclaiming the gospel of faith in the Kingdom of heaven on earth. HIS parables continuously alluded to it. That was HIS mandate. When HIS disciples asked HIM to teach them how to pray HE said: ...THY Kingdom come, THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6: 9-13
Why is it good news?
In order for man to be reconciled to God and his position, a better way/ system had to be put in place. Man wasn't understanding his purpose, nor how to maintain it. Even after the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, and had experienced God's multiple miracles and grace, they constantly reverted to their old way of thinking and doing things as if they were still in bondage in Egypt. They didn't make it to the promise land; only the children born in the wilderness did. Yet it was all theirs. But their mindset was incorrect. They didn't understand the ways of God's government. They didn't understand god's original intent. They didn't understand God's heart. They didn't understand the value of their relationship with the Almighty God. They complained a lot rather than take charge over their situations. Constantly they were ungratefully misled. They just didn't get it. Over and over, men continuously subjected themselves to being ruled, rather than ruling. God's chosen people didn't understand what God had in mind when HE created them. They didn't understand 'dominion over the earth, nor the value of their relationship with God.'
Adam and Eve gave up their 'birthright' before they ever began to really enjoy it. The devil tricked them, just like in the story of Esau and Jacob. They didn't understand the significance/value of what they had. That's why Jesus kept alluding to the Kingdom of God, and preached so much about it's value. For instance: the parable of the treasure
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
47 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. 48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away.
The benefits of the Kingdom....
The Kingdom of God gives us personal access to God as our Father, not just King. God wants our actions to be driven by our relationship and not just our fear. As a result we won't abuse HIS grace, but rather use it to improve our attitudes towards our responsibilities, HIMSELF and HIS Kingdom. We are not to abuse them. The Kingdom also gives us power for change. It changes our wealth and capabilities. It is supposed to change our entire lifestyle. It puts us in a better position, we gain more, we control more, and our outlook is transformed. We fear less, command more, and give God the glory. For instance: if your bank account is $1 million dollars you are rich until it finishes. But if you father owns the bank you have unlimited access to money. Jesus came to change our mindset.
In a Kingdom the King owns everything. As children of God we are 'stewards' i.e. managers. Our role is to share and maintain, not hoard. God's resources are unlimited. Two fishes and five loaves of bread fed over five thousand people. We are a part of a 'body'. 1 Corinthians 12 God has many children and no grand children. We all have the same access because of the cross. The Cross is extremely significant. God doesn't entertain sin. There's no way we could have access to the Kingdom without the cross. The Cross is like crossing the Red Sea - the pathway from slavery to freedom; and the Jordan River is our mindset which we have to get over too. But the Kingdom is Canaan - the Promise Land with all its milk and honey. Don't get stuck in the wilderness. It's time to cross over the Jordan. Claim what God has already ordained for you. You are entitled to it. Stop stumbling, complaining, and being distracted; and instead, focus and take charge!
Picture this:
The Cross is the socket. Jesus Christ is the plug. The Holy Spirit is
the cord. The Good News is the lamp. The only way to see and experience what's
going on in the room (Kingdom) is to use the light from the lamp. The
reason why most Christians live defeated, enslaved lives is because they
wander around in the darkness 'feeling for stuff' rather than using the
light to enjoy it. Isaiah 9: 1-8
TESTIMONY: God's Kingdom Business "My Journey" Kris Vallotton
WORSHIP: Kingdom Come
Focus on the gospel!
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