The Lord's Prayer is a TEMPLATE....
Matthew 6: 9-13
We are supposed to use this prayer i.e. petition as a skeleton, to insert our situations into its precepts. Our language needs to be personally applicable to our daily lives and realities. The Almighty God is interested in a relationship with a person, not a robot. Jesus teaches us believers how to interact with The Father. Prayer isn't normal, it is taught. It is a Kingdom principle that Jesus taught to a bunch of 'religious people' - HIS disciples. It's the only thing recorded in the gospels that they asked HIM to teach them. They realized that this thing that HE did for several hours by himself every morning was the source of HIS power and authority. HE didn't leave it up to their opinion. HE showed them how to get HIS same results. HE gave them this template to insert their details. Be unique. HE created you for that!
Our Father
- God does not belong to you alone. We all have the same rights and privileges as children of God. God has no step children nor grand children. All humans have the same access to God once you accept HIM as your God.
- God expects you to pray for others, be inclusive; not just pray for you and your needs. You are a part of a community which HE created.
- God has 'a body' of people which HE'S building in the earth. As a believer you are a part of that body and YOU should pray that HIS work be accomplished successfully as a whole. Pray for other believers and their struggles.
- A Father is a source. God is your provider. HE has unlimited resources for your success in life.
- A Father is a sustainer. HE is responsible for maintaining progress and productivity. HE's an overseer.
- A Father is a point of origin. HE has more experience, knowledge and understanding of the nature of a thing. Hence better skills of how to relate to it and produce harmony.
Who art in heaven
- The Almighty God doesn't live on earth. HE lives in heaven.
- The Almighty God is far above you. HE'S in charge - HIS ways and thoughts are higher than yours.
- Fear HIM - acknowledge and obey HIS laws because of HIS authority!
- The Almighty God is Supreme. HE sees and understands far more than you do.
Hallowed be THY NAME
- YOUR NAME is Sovereign.
- YOU are worthy of praise.
- YOU are to be revered and feared.
- YOU are of high ranking.
- YOUR NAME is YOUR reputation. Whatever YOU say YOU"LL do.
- YOU'RE capable and honest and I believe YOU are that for me and my situation. I claim it!
- Let the colony of YOUR domain be transferred to the earth. We want the culture, nature and rulership of YOUR government system in heaven to be the same here on earth. i.e. its principles, regulations and privileges. We want YOUR plans to take presidence over ours here in the earth in our nations, communities, careers, affairs, families and lives. We trust YOUR Will for our lives. We submit to your authority and dominion.
Give us this day our daily bread
- Please supply whatever we need to be productive today given the challenges that will confront us.
- Help us to focus on accomplishing the tasks YOU have assigned for us for today.
- What are YOUR assignments for my/ our lives today? I'm available to do them.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
- Teach us not to judge. First of all, we need YOUR forgiveness. Secondly, YOU will forgive us according to our willingness to forgive others simultaneously. Our trespasses means that we need to stay out of other people's affairs and let you dictate to them. As well as we need to focus on YOU for solutions to our affairs/ obstacles/ problems/ challenges/ situations. We need to 'stay in our lane', and stay away from trying to dominate and dictate to other people and their circumstances. That's YOUR job God!
- Teach us to extend YOUR grace to others the same way YOU'VE extended it to us.
Lead us not into temptation
- We are aware that there's an enemy and one of his primary roles is to deceive us. he exists to mislead us away from YOUR plans and purposes for our lives. We need YOUR help to not get fooled or trapped by his distractions from YOUR best intentions for our lives. Please guide us into YOUR truths, knowledge and understanding of YOUR precepts.
- Keep us away from our own will. We submit to yours.
But deliver us from all evil
- We need YOUR help in escaping, overthrowing and navigating our lives away from the entrapment of the devil and his dominion.
- Deliver us from our own misgivings and sinful appetites.
For YOURS is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory
- YOU are Almighty. YOUR word is law. YOU are in control of this domain and all territories. YOU set the standards.
- YOU have Supreme authority.
- Everything reflects YOUR nature, character, wealth and pleasures.
- YOU deserve the glory.
- WE glorify YOUR NAME.
Forever and ever AMEN!
- YOU exists outside of time. YOU and YOUR dominion have no beginning nor end. That's just the way it is.
- I agree and submit to this truth.
TESTIMONY: Jewish Israeli Psychologist finds Jesus
WORSHIP: The Lord's Prayer
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