This page was created to help give insight to the WORD of God, the Bible. Your faith should empower, not enslave you. Explore God's love and power for you to dominate your circumstances and world with us. God's love is real - I dare you to test it!
We were made to live in community. Our actions or lack thereof affect each other. There is a saying that goes…. I am man, nothing hum...
Faith is a lifestyle, try it!
Faith is a lifestyle, try it!
Faith is a lifestyle, not an event. It is a result of having had an encounter with the Almighty God which causes you to trust in who HE is, inspite of what HE is doing in your life. Sometimes you will not know or understand what HE'S allowing to happen to you. However you believe in HIS faithful character/ authenticity that is unchanging. God has integrity. So you trust that whatever is happening, HE is aware and HE has already prepared a favorable outcome on your behalf. God is always the Sovereign King. Nothing happens by surprise. HE is always in control.
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
John 1 speaks about God in the form of Jesus becoming 'The Word' on earth. The word is the belief system that God has ordained for mankind. When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, it led them down a rabbit-hole of lies and deception. With each successive generation, mankind became more distant from the truth about God's nature and desire for man's relationship with God and the things in the earth. Jesus came to re-educate us. Jesus said, repent, change your way of thinking. You've got it all wrong. Let me show you how to do it. Let me show you how to do life the way the almighty God intended. I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the father but through me. Hebrews 11 It is impossible to please God without believing in HIS precepts about how we should live our lives.
Romans 10:17
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Faith in God is about believing in someone that you can't see, who has the ability to create something you can see. If you can see it, it's not faith. It has nothing to do with your feelings. It's more about the stance or direction you decide to take inspite of how you feel. The more you move in that direction, the stronger your faith becomes. It is a testimony based on your experience in/ with what you believe in. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The patriarchs in the bible chose to trust God, and HE in turn proved HIMSELF faithful to their beliefs.
It is very important to know God's promises. Because HE says that HIS Word will not return to HIM void. Isaiah 55 HE commands us to 'taste and see that the Lord is good'. HE is faithful to HIS Word. So if you know HIS Word you will know what is HIS Will and laws. You will learn what to expect and it will improve your confidence in HIS ability to sustain and deliver you like King David. Psalms 138
Psalm 138:2
2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
Just as you would sit on a chair without examining it. Or take your medication as prescribed, or even book a flight and fall asleep on the plane until you reach your destination; so it is too that you should rely on God. It's so amazing how we display trust daily in things and persons, even strangers eg. the bus driver, the car, the train conductor, the chef at the restaurant, the traffic light, just to name a few. Yet the God who created us and loves us so much with such an everlasting love, inspite of all that HE continues to do like hold the sky in place, the seas by the shore, the sun to rise and set repeatedly everyday, oxygen for us to breathe in; has such a hard time getting us to entrust our future in HIS hands. The devil is a liar. Don't believe him like Eve did. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path.
TESTIMONY:My Jewish faith in Jesus couldn't be contained!
WORSHIP: Trust In God (feat. Chris Brown & Isaiah Templeton) | Elevation Worship
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