Not everyone can relate to having grown up with a father, nor even having a father who acted like one. Unfortunately that's the truth for most. But the fact that some people have never experienced snow doesn't mean that snow doesn't exist. Thank God that HE didn't leave one of the most influential human roles to chance. HE himself decided to be our perfect example to compare all others to. So if we ever are curious about what fatherhood entails we just have to look to how God has demonstrated HIS attributes to us. Here are a few of those:
1. Source - a father is a source. He provides the seed for an embryo to be developed.
2. Provider - he works so that his family's needs are met economically.
3. Protector - his wife and children depend on him for security from danger.
4. Patriarch - he leaves a legacy for his children and other generations that follow.
5. Positive - he is driven by finding solutions to familial problems.
6. Support - even when he disagrees with your actions, he will always support your positive growth and development.
7.Resourceful - he always has ideas and solutions to problems that you could never imagine.
8. Safe - you can always rest in his presence.
Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Man was the last thing God created. 2 Peter 1 HE made sure that everything that we would need for life and godliness were prepared for us in advance of our arrival. John 1 All things that were made were made by HIM, and without HIM wasn't anything made that was made.
Psalm 23 Because God is our Creator, HE knows exactly what we need for sustenance and development. HE has created each of us with a unique purpose and destiny; and equipped us with all that we will need to accomplish both. Jeremiah 1 HIS plans for each of us is to give us a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29
Life comes with many challenges. Each season has its own list of obstacles and ditches of all sorts. Sometimes it's like a complete maize, and we need the guidance of an expert to help us navigate the best path. God is consistent in HIS protection of HIS people. 2 Samuel 22 Sometimes our enemies are disguised as our friends and we need help to know the difference between the two. Sometimes God has to rescue us from ourselves. Proverbs 14 Ever since Adam and Eve sinned God promised mankind that HE would send a Saviour Genesis 3. From Abraham all the way to Malachi God has been faithful to HIS promises to HIS people. Deuteronomy 28. HE has led them through history to a point when they could be reconciled to HIS original plan of peace, joy, love and unity with HIM. Isaiah 53
Inspite of their continual disobedience and worship of foreign gods, etc... God's attitude has been one of forgiveness and blessings. 2 Chronicles 7 Abram was human just like us, and got it wrong a couple of times. God remained on his side and goaded him to do the right thing of eventually trusting HIS Word. Genesis 12 God was patient with HIM up until the very end. When he lied about his wife, obeyed his wife and slept with his helper etc... But in the end we saw growth and transformation when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac. He trusted God to provide a sacrifice instead of his son. Genesis 22 God's ulterior motive is reconciliation to a people who trust in HIS Word. HE is always faithful.
Everything that we have and have access to come from God. Job 38 God doesn't consult us when HE'S making HIS laws or precepts, or whatever. Psalm 135 HIS ways and thoughts are far much higher than ours. Isaiah 55 Eyes have not seen nor ears heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of man what God has prepared for those that love HIM. 1 Corinthians 2 HIS love for us is everlasting. HE is eternal and HE exists outside of space and time. God created time. What HE has said to one man applies to all of mankind. Our carnal mind cannot comprehend nor interpret HIS ways except by the help of the Holy Spirit which Jesus introduced to us. John 15
Now God demonstrates HIS love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5 We can rest assured that God cares about everything about us. When we are weak, HE is strong. Psalm 46 There is absolutely nothing that can separate us from HIS love except our rejection of HIM. Romans 8 Even then, as our creator HE understands our frailty. HE makes provision for us and leads us to repentance via the tutorship of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual teachers who helps us to embrace and appreciate the loving nature of a God who needs nothing, yet gives us everything, even HIS only son. HE trust us with HIS most prized possession, the Messiah - Jesus Christ. John 3 We are the apple of HIS eyes. And when we are able to confide in and surrender to HIM like David did, then we will truly experience the love of a father, Our Father the Almighty God. Psalm 17
WORSHIP: Our Father (LIVE) - Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson | For the Sake of the World
Find rest in HIM!
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