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Speaking In Tongues Is For Every Believer!

Speaking In Tongues Is For Every Believer!

Sometimes we tend to complicate such simple truths like the fact that "speaking in tongues is for every believer in Jesus Christ as Lord".  First of all, Jesus Christ came to earth in the form of a human being in order to introduce us to our ability to be able to use spiritual power and authority on earth.  When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in Eden they lost the priviledge of dominion.  They gave it to the devil. (That's why Jesus had to die on the cross. God would only accept a pure sacrifice as atonement.)  Jesus took it from him and gave it back to us.  Romans 8 However, because it's new to us, we need(ed) a tutor.  So Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as our tutor to fix the problem.  The problem was that, as long as Jesus was in the earth in physical form, HE was the only person who was enabled by the Holy Spirit.  HE had to leave in order for us to receive enablement.  John 16 The Holy Spirit enables humans to access the supernatural power of God.  This allows us to:

  • Communicate with God effectively.
  • Gain wisdom, understanding and solutions for everyday challenges.
  • Use the power and authority God gives to every believer.
  • Overcome the world. i.e. represent the greatest power on earth. 
  • Live fearlessly.
  • Manipulate the atmosphere.
Speaking in tongues is a spiritual experience.  It is when a believer is enabled to speak in an unknown language for the sake of edification.  It can be self edification or that of other person(s).  The person speaking the language has never been formally taught the language.  It is the Holy Spirit that gives the enablement.  1 Corinthians 14 Speaking in tongues can manifest itself in different forms such as at Pentecost when the disciples were in Jerusalem in the upper room. Acts 2. Or when Peter was speaking to the gentiles at Cornelius's house in Acts 10. Or when Paul was speaking to the jewish believers in Ephesus about the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 19 Sometimes we are just the vehicle.  The Holy Spirit advocates to God on our behalf in our weakness and about things we know nothing about.  God's thoughts and ways are far more higher than ours.  Other times, there's prophecy when God sends a message through one believer and the revelation/ interpretation through another.

Speaking in tongues is empowerment.  It was a norm for the  believers during the time of the apostles.  In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul had to admonish the saints by letting them know that it was not a competitive gift.  Love was what was imperative, not speaking in tongues nor the gift of prophecy.  When a believer accepts Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior God gives them the Holy Spirit as a companion/ tutor to teach them about the kingdom of God.  Just as physical baptism is an outward show of a believer's allegiance to God, so too is 'spiritual baptism' as an allegiance to the Kingdom of God.  Speaking in tongues is a sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, like a ring is a sign of marriage.  What is important is your commitment, covenance and faithfulness to its laws.  It is the vows that make the union, not the ring.  As we seek to know and understand the Kingdom of God; the Holy Spirit will reveal it to us. And one of the instruments which He uses, is the gift of tongues.  The end goal is not the gift, but the giver. Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.

TESTIMONY: Sam Nadler found answers about God and the Holocaust in the most surprising place!

WORSHIP: Holy Spirit By Meddy

Draw near to God, and HE will draw near to you!

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